среда, 13 мая 2009 г.

Continue or not?

I was very busy this term with papers and writing, so I am completely abandoned my blog. Other reason that I don't know who is my potential audience. I know about twenty librarians expatriates from former USSR who work in libraries here. It will be nice to communicate with them and share thoughts and experiences. Just few have blogs, Facebook accounts, PJ account or use Web 2.0 tools Maybe it will be better to increase the audience by addressing to all librarians expatriates?

среда, 26 ноября 2008 г.

Education for American Librarians/ Образование для американских библиотекарей

Образование для американских библиотекарей

Если ты хочешь работать в библиотеке в качестве библиотекаря, особенно в библиотеке университета, нужно получить степень Мастера в библиотечной и информационной науке (MLS). Причем школа где ты получил Мастера должна быть аккредитована Американской Библиотечной Ассоциацией. Возможно найти работу без специального библиотечного образования и расти по служебной лестнице, особенно в публичных библиотеках и если есть недостаток в библиотечных кадрах и eсли библиотеке нужны информационные работники, адмистраторы сетей, веб дизайнеры и т.п.

Система образования радикально отличается от российской.Твое библиотечное обучение начинается только на уровне Мастера. Ты можешь получить любое образование как Бакалавр и быть принятым в программу МБН (MLS).

Сама программа состоит обычно из 36-42 кредитных часов ( 2-x лет), где тебе преподают только предметы связанные с библиотечным делом и информатикой. Российское обучение базируется на том что в Америке называют Либерал Артс(Liberal Arts). В США знание литературы, иностранных языков, психологии, истории и т.п. не обязательно. Ты выбираешь одну треть предметов, остальные обязательны. В зависимости от колледжа упор делается на информатику или библиотечное дело.

пятница, 14 ноября 2008 г.

Old libraries

«Австрия» на Яндекс.Фотках

Olga Strakhov
Library Assistant in Technical Services (November)
Frances Loeb Library, Harvard University

A former bibliographic and preservation assistant in the Weissman Preservation Center, Olga Strakhov is currently a student at the University of Rhode Island's Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. She holds a bachelor's degree from Moscow Lomonosov University and a PhD from Brown University. Olga replaced Page Nelson, who was promoted to the position of Cataloger in Technical Services.

понедельник, 10 ноября 2008 г.

Information needs

I looked at some web sites created for Russian community in U.S. Reading Room of RussianAmerica.com keeps track of top hits in categories (subjects) and book titles that users of this web site have downloaded or looked at.
Top hits by subject:
Иммиграция в США (Immigration)
Въездные визы (Visas)
Полезные советы (Advice, How-to)
Сказки (Fairy Tales)
Наука (Science)
Писатели об Америке (Writers about America)
Мифы и легенды (Mythology)
Тайны и загадки мира (Secrets and wonders of the world)
Иностранная литература (Foreign literature)
Пословицы 90443
Культура и образование 86833
Фантастика 86325
Жизнь на Земле

I understand the interest in immigration and how to advices, but Mythology?

The most popular books of the year are:
Учите английский (English language textbook)
Процедура подачи заявки и условия получения неиммиграционной визы 19956
Пословицы и поговорки о дружбе (Sayings about friendship)
Как то будет по-рюсски? (Russian language guide)
Кибернетика и религиозное мировоззрение (Cybernetics and religious thoughts)
Языческие святилища древних славян (Pagan sanctuaries of Slavs)

Religion and mythology again on the top of the list!
I am looking for public libraries which serve Russian population, have significant amount of books in Russian. Demographically people who are ethnic Russians or came from Russia or former Soviet Union concentrate in urban areas of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Detroit. Check couple websites which have information about Russian-American community in U.S. Found an informative web site, which belong to Ameredia( an advertising agency specializing in multicultural ethnic market). According to its web site:

Russians are second largest ethnic group among foreign born population.

There are an estimated 5.5 million Russian-speaking people in the Unites States.

Most Russian- speakers are bilingual but generally prefer to speak their native language at home, and turn to Russian-language media for the latest news and information.

53% hold a bachelor’s degree or higher.

80.3% have completed a HS Diploma compared to 67% for the foreign born population.

Inclination towards higher education, high-paying employment and general readership.

Higher readership of in-language print media among older and first generations.

Higher usage of Internet and online media among the more acculturated and tech savvy younger generations.

Being an educated community, Russian Americans focus more on post-collegiate work participation and are involved in higher-paying employment.

67.5% are in managerial, professional, technical and sales occupations (compared to 45.6% for all foreign-born).

Median age of 32.5 years compared to 38.1 years for all foreign-born people.

The size of the community, educational level and readership characteristics make this ethnic group a good recipient of library service.

среда, 5 ноября 2008 г.

Back to blogging

I was underestimated the amount of work and stress that will accompany the move from Florida to Kansas. We had to buy the house over the Internet. What?! I am an information specialist and we live in the digital age. We had some surprises when we saw house first time after driving for 3 days with two stops on the way. My husband is still make some comments from time to time about me and my conviction that everything can be done online... Finally all 300 boxes has been unpacked, rooms are painted and furniture are bought. We can relax and enjoy our new home.